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Jackobite bay

Alternative Names: Eilean nan Gall 

Type of Dive: Easy shore dive in a sheltered bay of Loch Duich.

Suggested experience: Novice with good buoyancy control upwards.

Distance from Fort William: 60 Miles 1.5 Hrs Google

Parking directions: Park just off the old road on grass as close to the bay as required.

Jackobite bay parking

Lat & Long: N57.224174 W-5.41641 No Postcode  Google

Tides: Tide tables

Depth: 20m+

Site entry/exit: Short walk to water's edge over weedy rocks (slippy)

Underwater directions: The dive goes out into the shallow bay over flat weedy cobbles, then sand to 5m where a short slope takes you onto flat sand and mud. Then gently out to 20m + Fireworks appears at 20m+ Sea pens at 15m. A very good site for sea cucumbers. From the point of the little Island a small reef can be found with encrusting life, sea squirts and sea loch anemones but this changes to sand quickly

Air & Nitrox: Dave Black of 5 Bells Diving in Lochcarron. 07812 605 771 Email: Facebook

Site Hazards: Silty on the bottom so good buoyancy is required.

Nearest Public phone: Jacobite restaurant or Kintail lodge/Hotel

Mobile Network service: Contact me

Accommodation:   Kintail lodge/Hotel   Caravan park   Jac-o-bite

Other comments:

Pub: Kintail lodge/Hotel

Cafe: Jacobite restaurant

Revision: 2

Thanks To: Dive tramp who showed me this site.

Links: Link

Created By: Chris Hine

Date: 20/6/11

Surface Photos: Contact me

Underwater Photos: By Chris Hine

Fireworks anemonesea cucumber

Dive Report:  comment in the box below.